Fall 2005

Notes and Highlights for 
August 1-14


Despite its being in juvenal plumage, we sexed this bird as a male based on its reddish orange juvenal crown feathers and a black juvenal moustache.  Because we don't band many flickers in juvenal plumage, we can't be sure, but a black juvenal moustache in male Northern Flickers may be unusual.  Pyle (1997) in his Identification Guide to North American Birds, states that juvenile males "have a pale orange moustache (even in the Yellow-shafted Group, where the adult [males] have black moustaches).  Thus, juvs can be reliably sexed by reddish-tinged moustaches and crowns."


"I'd rather be flying!"

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Last Updated on 08/30/05
By Adrienne J. Leppold