Additional photos of a hatching year female Yellow Warbler
(Dendroica petechia, subspecies?) banded on September 19, 2002
at Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania (40°10'N, 79°15'W)

Measurements taken at banding:

        wing chord (unflattened), 58.5mm; tail length, 46.5mm; tarsus, 19.2mm; bill (nares to tip), 8.0mm; body mass
        (with large visible fat deposits), 9.8g

Wing formula (distance from tip of each primary to the wingtip):

       P1--11.0mm, P2--9.0mm, P3--7.5mm, P4--6.0mm, P5--4.0mm, P6--0.5mm, P7--0.0mm, P8--0.0mm, P9--0.0mm

        NOTE--outer primaries 7-9 together formed the wingtip, although P8 and P9 were ever so slightly (<<0.5mm) shorter than P7;
        the distance from the wingtip to the tip of P1 (roughly the "primary projection") was about 3-4mm shorter than typical for
        YWARs banded at this locality.