Powdermill Nature Reserve

Pictorial Highlights
April 20 - 25, 2004

The banding week started off seasonably warm and the favorable weather continued throughout the week (maximum was 80 degrees).  With the mild weather brought catches of 16 new species for the spring, 8 of which were wood warblers.  We thank Stevan and Caryl Baron (visiting banders from New York), Brian Jones, Carroll Labarthe, Felicity Newell, and Jim Sheehan for their help this week with banding.
Ruby-crowned Kinglets (RCKI) were the bird of the week with 47 new banded.  In spring, the movement of males of many migratory songbird species precedes females by a few to several days, on average.   RCKI may exhibit the highest degree of differential migration among the birds banded at Powdermill in spring.  Our first RCKIs, two ASY males, were banded back on March 31, and all 50 RCKIs banded since, through the end of last week, were males.  Not until this week, on April 21, did we catch our first female.  Although males still were more numerous overall this week, we caught only females on our last two banding days.


Our Canada Goose pair had returned in early March to stake claim to the pond and begin nesting.  The male began closely tending to the female and the nest on Saturday, most likely when the goslings hatched, and then accompanied the seven young and the female to the pond Sunday morning.

Painted Turtle (Hatch Year)

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Last Updated on 5/05/04
By Adrienne J. Leppold