The last week in January was VERY unseasonably mild, with temperatures reaching into the 60s
   and even the 70s.  On the last day of the month, spring peepers (tree frogs) were calling, painted
             turtles were out of hibernation and up basking on logs in our small ponds,
         and chipmunks were out in force vacuuming up all the bird seed they could reach
                (often getting caught in our bird banding Potter traps in the process!)

Dietary and/or physiological deficiencies that inhibit the deposition of red carotenoid pigments
  during feather formation can give rise to occasional orange plumage variants in species ordinarily
   having darker or brighter red plumage.  In addition to orange variant Northern Cardinals like one
         banded here recently (top bird in above photos), we have banded more than a few
       "orange-crowned" Ruby-crowned Kinglets and not-so-Scarlet Tanagers over the years!


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