Summer 2006

Notes and Highlights for
the month of June

There have been sixteen other June captures of WIWA at Powdermill, about evenly split between males and females.  More than half of these had heavy fat deposits when they were banded, and two SY males banded in the first week of June were recorded as having partially developed cloacal protuberances.   It would be interesting to know if late birds like these (and especially very late ones like this June's individual) are, in fact, capable of continuing on successfully to their breeding grounds, or if they might need to stop short somewhere.  If the latter, then how would the failure to attain full physiological breeding condition affect the onset and timing of their "post-breeding" molt?  Presumably, and as we often witness with resident breeding birds at Powdermill (see AMRE discussion below), they initiate this molt much earlier than other breeding individuals of the population.

Postscript:  After reviewing data regarding the extent and timing of molt taken from birds at Powdermill over the last 10+ years, this is actually one of the earliest dates recorded for the onset of molt in BAWW.  The average onset of molt witnessed for this species at Powdermill is about the second week of July.  Thanks to Dr. David Norman for his work in summarizing this information (timing of onset and rate of the definitive prebasic molt of birds banded at Powdermill), which he and Bob Mulvihill will publish as part of an upcoming molt monograph.

In the photo below, from left to right, Bob Mulvihill (PARC field ornithology projects coordinator), Adrienne Leppold (PARC bander-in-charge), Mike Lanzone (PARC assistant field ornithology projects coordinator), Sara Nicholas (Wild Resources Conservation Program [WRCP] executive director), and Terry Master (ESU professor and Powdermill research associate), pose for a quick photo before paddling out to Wade Island.

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Last Updated on 07/06/06
By Adrienne J. Leppold and
Robert S. Mulvihill