Powdermill Bird Banding
Spring 2005
Pictorial Highlights

Fox Sparrow - ASY U
Well, as we thought, there aren't scorpions in PA.  But, there are pseudoscorpions, and this tiny  Chernetid is just one of over 350 species in North America.  Pseudoscorpions are so named because, like true scorpions, they have enlarged pincer pedipalps, but the short, oval abdomen lacks a tail or stinger.  Only about 2mm long, we couldn't help but appreciate this beast's aggressive approach at taking on the world.  After capture, we transferred it outside for release in the leaf litter so it could continue its hunt for a meal of small flies, ants, and mites.

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Last Updated on 4/02/05
By Adrienne J. Leppold